my projects
Here are some of the projects I have worked on in my spare time, these range from small apps to test out specific technologies to larger full stack applications with auth and search features.
An app for craft bars and breweries to list what they are serving on tap so that people can search for their favourite beers by location, brewery or beer style.
- Next.js, Tailwind CSS and shadcn/ui for the front end.
- Drizzle, tRPC and Planetscale for the back end.
- Clerk for authentication and Upstash for rate limiting.
Office Hours
A simple booking app for selecting which dates and times you are planning on coming to the office. A covid project when space in the office was limited.
Kana Quiz
This was primarily created as an experiment to test out Jotai and Zustand as state management libraries which would later help decide the direction for how we managed state in one of the apps at SoPost.
Advent of Code 2023
Not really a project but my latest and best attempt at Advent of Code, previous years I tried with Elixir and Rust which were definitely out of my comfort zone but in 2023 I managed to get through to day 20 with TypeScript.